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Activity Report

L’Initiative reports on a historic year in 2019

In 2020, L’Initiative redesigned its activity report to present its new strategy and reflect on 2019, a pivotal year in the fight against pandemics. Animal Pensant adapted its support accordingly.

The Brief

  • Develop a comprehensive web and print communication strategy.
  • Refresh the editorial and graphic approach of the activity report.
  • Bring L’Initiative’s strategy to life by giving more voice to experts and partners through case studies and interviews.
  • Ensure accountability by emphasizing the impact of projects and missions.

Our Solutions

  • A multimedia content ecosystem (full activity report, condensed version, interactive landing page), available in French and English, to make the publication of results a key communication milestone for L’Initiative.
  • A refined editorial approach with a clear editorial line ensuring complementarity across all formats.
  • A redesigned layout structure that highlights L’Initiative’s new strategy in less pages.
  • A more journalistic approach to information, featuring longer, more in-depth articles that contextualize the major challenges in the fight against pandemics.
  • An interactive landing page showcasing the annual results and linking to key articles from the report, also published on L’Initiative’s website.

Key information

  • Sector: international cooperation
  • Thematic: development aid
  • Service: Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, Web Development, Art, Printing, Infographics & Illustration, Photography & Image Research
  • L’Initiative is a cornerstone of France’s development aid in global health. Established in 2011, its mission is to provide technical and financial support to ensure universal access to healthcare and the eradication of pandemics. Learn more.



Animal Pensant & L’Initiative


Activity Report

L’Initiative reports on a historic year in 2019

In 2020, L’Initiative redesigned its activity report to present its new strategy and reflect on 2019, a pivotal year in the fight against pandemics. Animal Pensant adapted its support accordingly.

The Brief

  • Develop a comprehensive web and print communication strategy.
  • Refresh the editorial and graphic approach of the activity report.
  • Bring L’Initiative’s strategy to life by giving more voice to experts and partners through case studies and interviews.
  • Ensure accountability by emphasizing the impact of projects and missions.

Infos clés

  • Secteur : coopération internationale
  • Thématique : aide au développement
  • Prestations : Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, Web Development, Art, Printing, Infographics & Illustration, Photography & Image Research
  • L’Initiative is a cornerstone of France’s development aid in global health. Established in 2011, its mission is to provide technical and financial support to ensure universal access to healthcare and the eradication of pandemics. Learn more.



Our Solutions

  • A multimedia content ecosystem (full activity report, condensed version, interactive landing page), available in French and English, to make the publication of results a key communication milestone for L’Initiative.
  • A refined editorial approach with a clear editorial line ensuring complementarity across all formats.
  • A redesigned layout structure that highlights L’Initiative’s new strategy in less pages.
  • A more journalistic approach to information, featuring longer, more in-depth articles that contextualize the major challenges in the fight against pandemics.
  • An interactive landing page showcasing the annual results and linking to key articles from the report, also published on L’Initiative’s website.