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Activity Report

Turning the activity report into a key communication moment

Turning the activity report into a full-fledged communication tool, adapted across multiple formats and distributed through various channels—this was the challenge successfully met by Animal Pensant for the Conseil d’État in 2022.

The Brief

  • Designing a multi-platform and multi-channel report that aligns with the institution’s communication strategy, distinguishing between annual review content and recurring institutional elements.
  • Engaging the general public by demonstrating how the Conseil d’État’s work impacts all citizens.
  • Extending the lifespan of content beyond the short-term scope of the activity report, encouraging reuse and capitalization of key insights developed within the review.

Our Solutions

  • A structured report with multiple deliverables and key moments: A 24-page brochure providing a lasting overview of the institution’s operations, an annual report covering 2021’s key developments, an educational website to make the Conseil d’État accessible to a wider audience, and a social media campaign to effectively disseminate key messages.
  • An educational editorial approach: Ensuring clarity through precise simplification and using formats tailored to different target audiences.
  • Storytelling to engage new audiences: Presenting the Conseil d’État’s work in a compelling and accessible way.
  • Visual design and illustrations that enhance meaning: Providing essential context to improve understanding of the Conseil d’État’s activities and their impact on citizens’ lives.

Key information

  • Sector: public sector
  • Thematic: law & justice
  • Service: Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, UX Design, Web Development, Art, Infographics & Illustration, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • Conseil d’État: A pillar of the rule of law, the Conseil d’État is a central institution of the Fifth Republic. It advises the Government and Parliament on legislative matters. As the supreme court for administrative justice, it settles disputes between citizens and the administration. Learn more

Animal Pensant & the Conseil d'État


Activity Report

Turning the activity report into a key communication moment

Turning the activity report into a full-fledged communication tool, adapted across multiple formats and distributed through various channels—this was the challenge successfully met by Animal Pensant for the Conseil d’État in 2022.

The Brief

  • Designing a multi-platform and multi-channel report that aligns with the institution’s communication strategy, distinguishing between annual review content and recurring institutional elements.
  • Engaging the general public by demonstrating how the Conseil d’État’s work impacts all citizens.
  • Extending the lifespan of content beyond the short-term scope of the activity report, encouraging reuse and capitalization of key insights developed within the review.

Infos clés

  • Secteur : secteur public
  • Thématique : droit & justice
  • Prestations : Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, UX Design, Web Development, Art, Infographics & Illustration, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • Conseil d’État: A pillar of the rule of law, the Conseil d’État is a central institution of the Fifth Republic. It advises the Government and Parliament on legislative matters. As the supreme court for administrative justice, it settles disputes between citizens and the administration. Learn more

Our Solutions

  • A structured report with multiple deliverables and key moments: A 24-page brochure providing a lasting overview of the institution’s operations, an annual report covering 2021’s key developments, an educational website to make the Conseil d’État accessible to a wider audience, and a social media campaign to effectively disseminate key messages.
  • An educational editorial approach: Ensuring clarity through precise simplification and using formats tailored to different target audiences.
  • Storytelling to engage new audiences: Presenting the Conseil d’État’s work in a compelling and accessible way.
  • Visual design and illustrations that enhance meaning: Providing essential context to improve understanding of the Conseil d’État’s activities and their impact on citizens’ lives.