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Annual Report

An engaging annual report? Yes, it’s possible!

In 2019, the French Development Agency (AFD) Group set out to create an annual report as engaging as The New Yorker, as captivating as The Atavist, and as rigorous as The Guardian—with an interactive version. We rose to the challenge.

The Brief

  • Convey the group’s identity and spirit of innovation, both in substance and form.
  • Focus on fieldwork and human stories to bring the narrative to life, provide deeper insights into the group’s achievements, and demonstrate their tangible impact.
  • Engage, captivate, and inspire further exploration by transforming the annual report into an appealing publication for the general public.

Our Solutions

  • A strengthened journalistic approach: More in-depth editing, a narrative-driven style compared to the previous year, and more engaging headlines.
  • A cross-cutting information structure: Thematic dossiers to better explain the group’s strategy and highlight its coherence.
  • A diverse range of editorial formats: Articles, infographics, data visualizations, interviews, and photo reports, offering multiple layers of analysis.
  • A magazine-style artistic direction: Both dynamic and rich in content, reflecting the depth and impact of the group’s work.
  • An interactive digital version, SEO-optimized: Designed to centralize and enhance AFD’s website content related to the annual report.

Key information

  • Sector: international cooperation
  • Thematic: development aid
  • Service: Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, Web Development, Art, Printing, Infographics & Illustration, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • The French Development Agency (AFD) is the key player in France’s development aid efforts. It finances 4,000 development projects across 155 countries and territories, primarily through loans and grants. In 2018, it committed €11.4 billion. Learn more

I just received the Panorama—the print quality is outstanding! This is a great opportunity to once again express my gratitude to you and the entire extended team for the excellence of the work delivered throughout the project.

Xavier Frison - Editorial and Institutional Communication Unit
Animal Pensant & AFD


Annual Report

An engaging annual report? Yes, it’s possible!

In 2019, the French Development Agency (AFD) Group set out to create an annual report as engaging as The New Yorker, as captivating as The Atavist, and as rigorous as The Guardian—with an interactive version. We rose to the challenge.

The Brief

  • Convey the group’s identity and spirit of innovation, both in substance and form.
  • Focus on fieldwork and human stories to bring the narrative to life, provide deeper insights into the group’s achievements, and demonstrate their tangible impact.
  • Engage, captivate, and inspire further exploration by transforming the annual report into an appealing publication for the general public.

Infos clés

  • Secteur : coopération internationale
  • Thématique : aide au développement
  • Prestations : Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, Web Development, Art, Printing, Infographics & Illustration, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • The French Development Agency (AFD) is the key player in France’s development aid efforts. It finances 4,000 development projects across 155 countries and territories, primarily through loans and grants. In 2018, it committed €11.4 billion. Learn more

Our Solutions

  • A strengthened journalistic approach: More in-depth editing, a narrative-driven style compared to the previous year, and more engaging headlines.
  • A cross-cutting information structure: Thematic dossiers to better explain the group’s strategy and highlight its coherence.
  • A diverse range of editorial formats: Articles, infographics, data visualizations, interviews, and photo reports, offering multiple layers of analysis.
  • A magazine-style artistic direction: Both dynamic and rich in content, reflecting the depth and impact of the group’s work.
  • An interactive digital version, SEO-optimized: Designed to centralize and enhance AFD’s website content related to the annual report.

I just received the Panorama—the print quality is outstanding! This is a great opportunity to once again express my gratitude to you and the entire extended team for the excellence of the work delivered throughout the project.

Xavier Frison - Editorial and Institutional Communication Unit