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The EBO-SURSY Project unfolds as you scroll

It’s time for the World Organisation for Animal Health to review the EBO-SURSY Project. How can the Organisation communicate its results in an engaging way to different audiences? Our answer: a website where the storytelling unfolds as you scroll, or 'scrollytelling'.

The Brief

  • Design an interactive report that highlights the mid-term results of the EBO-SURSY Project.
  • Create a unique website addressing scientists, policymakers, beneficiaries in the intervention countries, and the general public.
  • Leverage the existing resources on the project (factsheets, reports, videos, and photos).
  • Design the site in English and adapt it into French to make it accessible to all target audiences.

Our Solutions

  • A website where scrolling supports the storytelling, gradually revealing the stories that make up the EBO-SURSY Project and highlighting its key messages.
  • Multimedia content—maps, infographics, key figures, photo reports, videos, and motion designs—created to engage all audiences with a dynamic narrative.
  • Interactivity and recurring calls to action to maintain readers’ attention as they scroll and promote existing resources.
  • An educational motion design to simply explain the complex dynamics of zoonotic disease transmission and emphasize the importance of community engagement in prevention.
  • Agile project management in phases to meet the project’s tight deadlines.

Key information

  • Sector: international cooperation
  • Thematic: health
  • Service: Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, UX Design, Web Development, Art, Infographics & Illustration, Motion Design, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is an international cooperation body founded in 1924. Its mission is to improve animal health worldwide. It has over 180 member countries. Learn more


The ability of the Animal Pensant team to synthesize complex scientific content into communication tools accessible to the general public is truly impressive. It’s always a pleasure working with them.

Sophie Muset - Wildlife Health Program Manager and EBO-SURSY Project Coordinator, World Organisation for Animal Health



The EBO-SURSY Project unfolds as you scroll

It’s time for the World Organisation for Animal Health to review the EBO-SURSY Project. How can the Organisation communicate its results in an engaging way to different audiences? Our answer: a website where the storytelling unfolds as you scroll, or 'scrollytelling'.

The Brief

  • Design an interactive report that highlights the mid-term results of the EBO-SURSY Project.
  • Create a unique website addressing scientists, policymakers, beneficiaries in the intervention countries, and the general public.
  • Leverage the existing resources on the project (factsheets, reports, videos, and photos).
  • Design the site in English and adapt it into French to make it accessible to all target audiences.

Infos clés

  • Secteur : coopération internationale
  • Thématique : santé
  • Prestations : Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, UX Design, Web Development, Art, Infographics & Illustration, Motion Design, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is an international cooperation body founded in 1924. Its mission is to improve animal health worldwide. It has over 180 member countries. Learn more


Our Solutions

  • A website where scrolling supports the storytelling, gradually revealing the stories that make up the EBO-SURSY Project and highlighting its key messages.
  • Multimedia content—maps, infographics, key figures, photo reports, videos, and motion designs—created to engage all audiences with a dynamic narrative.
  • Interactivity and recurring calls to action to maintain readers’ attention as they scroll and promote existing resources.
  • An educational motion design to simply explain the complex dynamics of zoonotic disease transmission and emphasize the importance of community engagement in prevention.
  • Agile project management in phases to meet the project’s tight deadlines.

The ability of the Animal Pensant team to synthesize complex scientific content into communication tools accessible to the general public is truly impressive. It’s always a pleasure working with them.

Sophie Muset - Wildlife Health Program Manager and EBO-SURSY Project Coordinator, World Organisation for Animal Health