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Editorial Guidelines

WOAH’s institutional website: a complete editorial rehaul

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) has enlisted Animal Pensant for a multi-year project: the complete editorial rehaul of its trilingual institutional website, comprising over 600 pages.

The Brief

  • Make the WOAH institutional website more seamless and accessible for all audiences, from concerned citizens to animal health experts and policymakers.
  • Unify the site’s structure, which is managed by a diverse group of contributors, including communication professionals, technical experts, and scientists.
  • Design the website and its pages in a way that reflects the Organisation’s identity and values while ensuring the effective execution of its missions.
  • Develop practical documentation to support the long-term use and management of the website.

Our Solutions

  • Analysis Phase: Benchmarking institutional websites of similar global organizations, conducting interviews with users and contributors, and reviewing and assessing all existing pages using customized tools and evaluation grids.
  • Advisory Phase: Defining personas and tailored UX journeys, and providing both general and specific recommendations for the website.
  • Editorial Design Phase: Creating page typologies aligned with various communication objectives, content types, and audiences; redesigning the site structure; drafting a user guide that includes templates for each page type, along with a concise usage guide for site contributors.
  • Production Phase: Supporting the prioritization of pages to be redesigned, developing a methodology and timeline for the staged implementation of the redesign, executing the SEO strategy, and writing and rewriting website content.

Key information

  • Sector: international cooperation
  • Thematic: health
  • Service: Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, UX Design, Infographics & Illustration, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is an international cooperation body founded in 1924. Its mission is to improve animal health worldwide. It has over 180 member countries. Learn more


Editorial Guidelines

WOAH’s institutional website: a complete editorial rehaul

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) has enlisted Animal Pensant for a multi-year project: the complete editorial rehaul of its trilingual institutional website, comprising over 600 pages.

The Brief

  • Make the WOAH institutional website more seamless and accessible for all audiences, from concerned citizens to animal health experts and policymakers.
  • Unify the site’s structure, which is managed by a diverse group of contributors, including communication professionals, technical experts, and scientists.
  • Design the website and its pages in a way that reflects the Organisation’s identity and values while ensuring the effective execution of its missions.
  • Develop practical documentation to support the long-term use and management of the website.

Infos clés

  • Secteur : coopération internationale
  • Thématique : santé
  • Prestations : Editorial Consulting, Proofreading, Writing & Rewriting, UX Design, Infographics & Illustration, SEO, Photography & Image Research
  • The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is an international cooperation body founded in 1924. Its mission is to improve animal health worldwide. It has over 180 member countries. Learn more

Our Solutions

  • Analysis Phase: Benchmarking institutional websites of similar global organizations, conducting interviews with users and contributors, and reviewing and assessing all existing pages using customized tools and evaluation grids.
  • Advisory Phase: Defining personas and tailored UX journeys, and providing both general and specific recommendations for the website.
  • Editorial Design Phase: Creating page typologies aligned with various communication objectives, content types, and audiences; redesigning the site structure; drafting a user guide that includes templates for each page type, along with a concise usage guide for site contributors.
  • Production Phase: Supporting the prioritization of pages to be redesigned, developing a methodology and timeline for the staged implementation of the redesign, executing the SEO strategy, and writing and rewriting website content.